Cas 64742-52-5

INGREDIENTS: %wt/wt: CAS NUMBER: ACGIH TLV TWA: OSHA PEL TWA: OTHER: calcium Carbonate 35 - 45% 1317-65-3 10 mg/M3 15 mg/M3 None (Total dust) Hydrocarbon oil 30 - 40% 64742-52-5 5 mg/M3 5 mg/M3& .CAS:64742-52-5.此外,因为它具有良好的油溶性质,所以也会在出现在卸妆油或卸妆乳中当做卸妆之用。据悉,提纯不好,杂质较高的矿物油具有一定的致癌性。 石蜡油经加氢处理后,品种有:CAS:64742-46-7、64742-52-5、64742-54-7、64742-55-& . RufusTheDufus is offline& .. They are also referred to as CAS RNs, CAS Numbers, etc. cas 64742-52-5 .... materials of Unknown, Variable Composition, or Biological origin)..<p>CAS 8009-03-8 14038-43-8 64742-52-5 64742-53-6 PERMATEX PRUSSIAN BLUE NON-DRYING, 80038, 35V petrolatum; (paraffinic hydrocarbon) ferrate (4-), hexacyano-, iron …</p> <h3>crushing, screening, washing,& .<p>CAS 8009-03-8 14038-43-8 64742-52-5 64742-53-6 PERMATEX PRUSSIAN BLUE NON-DRYING, 80038, 35V petrolatum; (paraffinic hydrocarbon) ferrate (4-), hexacyano-, iron …</p> <h3>crushing, screening, washing,& . m).HYDROTREATED HEAVY 30-50% EINECS:265-150-3 CAS:64742-48-9 (-) R10;(Xn) r65;(Xi) R66 o PALE SPINDLE OIL 10-30% EINECS 265-155-0 CAS:64742-52-5 o BUTANE 30-50% EINECS 203-448-7 CAS:106-97-8Seafoam: Petroleum distillate CAS 6472-89-8,Petroleum Oil CAS 64742-52-5, 2-Propanol CAS 67-63-0. CAS NUMBER: 64742-52-5.. PERCENTAGE: 80-85 . PERCENTAGE: 80-85..SECTION 2 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS. I dont know what these numbers mean or how they compare. Description: mixture of formulation. Description: mixture of formulation.... EC NUMBER (EINECS): 265-155-0.INGREDIENTS: %wt/wt: CAS NUMBER: ACGIH TLV TWA: OSHA PEL TWA: OTHER: calcium Carbonate 35 - 45% 1317-65-3 10 mg/M3 15 mg/M3 None (Total dust) Hydrocarbon oil 30 - 40% 64742-52-5 5 mg/M3 5 mg/M3& .CAS:64742-52-5 INGREDIENTS: %wt/wt: CAS NUMBER: ACGIH TLV TWA: OSHA PEL TWA: OTHER: calcium Carbonate 35 - 45% 1317-65-3 10 mg/M3 15 mg/M3 None (Total dust) Hydrocarbon oil 30 - 40% 64742-52-5 5 mg/M3 5 mg/M3& .CAS:64742-52-5.此外,因为它具有良好的油溶性质,所以也会在出现在卸妆油或卸妆乳中当做卸妆之用。据悉,提纯不好,杂质较高的矿物油具有一定的致癌性。 石蜡油经加氢处理后,品种有:CAS:64742-46-7、64742-52-5、64742-54-7、64742-55-& . RufusTheDufus is offline& .. They are also referred to as CAS RNs, CAS Numbers, etc. california teacher association web site
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